
Split COA reverses award of stock following divorce mediation

A woman who was awarded half of a $122,000 stock account held by her former husband after the couple entered into a mediated divorce settlement agreement that didn’t mention the account was stripped of that share of the stock account on appeal Wednesday. However, a dissenting judge would have affirmed the grant of money to the ex-wife.

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Rear-ended driver wins new damages trial after errant jury instruction

A driver who a jury awarded just $10,000 on her personal injury claims after an intoxicated driver struck her car from behind won a new trial on damages Friday. The Indiana Court of Appeals found an erroneous jury instruction may have led to a verdict that was less than the driver had been offered to settle the case.

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CHINS findings for siblings upheld

The parents of four children who were all adjudicated as children in need of services have lost their appeal of the CHINS determinations, with the Indiana Court of Appeals dismissing arguments claiming error on the part of the trial court and the Department of Child Services.

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Divided ruling: Felony reduced to misdemeanor means longer expungement wait

The Indiana Court of Appeals on Friday asked the Indiana General Assembly for guidance as it sharply divided over whether minor felonies reduced to misdemeanor convictions should trigger new five-year waiting periods for people seeking to expunge their criminal records. The majority ruled they should, a result the dissenting judge called “unjust and ill-advised.”

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