IndyBar: IndyBar to Sponsor Indianapolis Legal Aid Society’s 11th Annual Timeless Tips from the Bench & Bar Event

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As the Indianapolis Bar Association has done for the past 11+ years, we are pleased to be a sponsor of the Indianapolis Legal Aid Society’s 11th annual Timeless Tips from the Bench & Bar event. This highly anticipated gathering offers valuable insights and updates on key laws and changes, along with engaging discussions and guidance on court decorum, tips, refreshers on skills, all being led by premier members of our legal community. It’s a unique opportunity to learn directly from experienced judges and gain practical wisdom for our legal careers.

Indiana Supreme Court Justice Derek Molter chairs the event, with our keynote from Judge Michael Brennan of the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. Programming also includes hearing from a majority of the judges on the Indiana Court of Appeals, along with distinguished trial court judges and attorneys. Please join the ILAS CLE at the Indianapolis Marriott North hotel, at Keystone Crossing, on Wednesday, June 26, 2024. Buffet breakfast, plated lunch, afternoon dessert, and all day beverages included. Arrive anytime after 8 a.m. for breakfast. The program starts at 9 a.m.. What an incredible opportunity to meet with our speakers and support the ILAS. this program has been approved for six hours of CLE credit, including one hour of ethics.

Since 1941, the ILAS has provided attorneys, without charge, to the destitute throughout Indiana. Each year on average nearly 6,000 people make appointments, and our attorneys meet with over 4,000 people. ILAS attorneys appear over two times per day in court, making ILAS one of the busiest law firms in the America. The ILAS helps poor and elderly people who face eviction stay in their homes, as well as handle adoptions, custody problems, divorce, visitation, expungements, guardianships, landlord/tenant, restoration of driver licenses – all at a cost of about $100 per client.

Attending and (hopefully) sponsoring a table allows you and your law firm to forge meaningful connections and collaborations within our legal community, while also demonstrating your support for our profession. To read more details and register for this event, visit If you’d like to sponsor this event or learn more, please contact the Indianapolis Legal Aid Society at (317) 635-9538 or [email protected].•

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