Indianapolis Bar Association
IBA: Divorce and Social Media
An overwhelming 81% of the nation’s top divorce attorneys say they have seen an increase in the number of cases using social networking evidence during the past five years, according to a recent survey of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML).
IBA: Seeking to Honor Excellence
Awarding professional excellence on the bench and in the bar is the purpose of the Indianapolis Bar’s Silver Gavel and Professionalism Awards.
Hickey: State of the Bar Association
It is hard to believe, but the year is officially half over. Reflecting on the first six months, it has been a very productive, very good time for the Bar.
IBA: Attorneys Helping Attorneys HEAL
Helping attorney is what legal professionals do every day.
IBA: Peterson to Highlight Luncheon
Former Indianapolis Mayor and Eli Lilly executive Bart Peterson will be the featured speaker at the Indianapolis Bar’s
luncheon on August 20 at the Hyatt Regency.
IBA: Lawyer Referral
Many people in our community, who are dealing with the impacts of the current economic crisis, often wonder where they can
turn for help.
IBA: Zore and Keele to Change Courts
The Marion Superior Court Executive Committee recently approved the reassignments of Judge Jerry Zore to Marion Probate Court,
and Judge Mike Keele to Civil Division Court 7.
IBA: Celebrate Ask a Lawyer’s Ten Year Anniversary
Play a role in celebrating the 10th anniversary of Ask a Lawyer.
Hickey: With Liberty and Justice for All
Hickey discusses the Pledge of Allegiance and new citizens.
IBA: Bar Leader Grads Add B.L.I.N.G.
B.L.I.N.G. offers an intensive financial training course for IPS students with an interest in entrepreneurism.
IBA: IndyBar Creates Resume Bank
The IBA recognizes that some of its members are looking for temporary employment and some law firms and offices are looking for lawyers to work on a temporary basis on a special project or case.
IBA: Taking the Next Steps on Your Career Path
If you’re one of the many lawyers looking for a job or new direction, there are many resources available that can help you take the next steps along your career path.
IBA: Mortgage Foreclosure in Marion County
Judge Cynthia Ayers discusses the Indianapolis Mortgage Foreclosure Task Force.
IBA: Did You Know?
When the federally funded Legal Services Corporation was formed 36 years ago, its goal was to ensure that all Americans have access to a lawyer and the justice system for civil legal issues regardless of their ability to pay.
IBA: Disaster Recovery Planning Can’t Afford to Wait
Lawyers are known for giving advice that helps clients plan, but when it comes to planning for a disaster and recovery, legal professionals need to take their own advice and create a plan.