
DTCI: Flipping the Paradigm: Presenting Subsequent Remedial Measures as a Defense to Punitive Damage Claims against Motor Carriers

The legendary Green Bay Packers coach, Vince Lombardi, is credited with saying, “Hope is not a strategy.” The trucking industry and those who defend it need to move beyond merely hoping that the jury will be convinced that the plaintiffs have failed to carry their burden of proof on punitives. Recent verdict history shows that arguing that the conduct at issue “wasn’t that bad” often fails.

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Fishers couple injured in Florida boat crash sue Zionsville CEO they say was driving unsafely

Two Fishers residents severely injured in a south Florida powerboat crash late last year are suing the CEO of Indianapolis-based insurance holding company Group1001 for allegedly driving the 425-horsepower boat recklessly after drinking, although he has not been criminally charged.

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Unanimous US Supreme Court throws out ‘Bridgegate’ convictions

A unanimous United States Supreme Court on Thursday threw out the convictions of two political insiders involved in the “Bridgegate”  scandal that ultimately derailed the 2016 presidential bid of then-New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. The justices found evidence of deception, corruption and abuse of power in the scheme, but said “not every corrupt act by state or local officials is a federal crime.”

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New track to arrive at ‘reasonable’ rail rates?

The next time you’re stuck in your car watching a train amble across an intersection, think about this: Deregulation is credited with preventing the railroad industry from being run over by truckers, but in places where the rails are the only means of transportation, what should be done to ensure the prices charged by the railroads to the companies shipping products are reasonable?

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