
Start Page: IPad OS update gives you permission to Scribble

For a long time, I’ve wanted a legal pad app for my iPad that could reliably turn my handwriting into text. The iPad and Apple Pencil should do this well, but there was too much friction in getting the text to be recognized and usable. That’s all changed with the latest iPad OS update. Apple gives users Scribble — the ability to hand-write in any field on the iPad and the iPad will turn handwriting into text, almost instantly. This is a serious tool.

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Start Page: Using Microsoft Teams for mediation

Personal and work lives have changed drastically in 2020, and we are only halfway through the year! If nothing else, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown us how flexible and resilient we need to and can be. It has also reminded us of how “essential” legal services are. What do you do when you are deemed “essential” during a global pandemic? You get creative.

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Start Page: Want a fresh perspective in 2020? Try changing your Outlook

Many lawyers are already familiar with Outlook on their desktop computer and have it set up to help them manage their emails. The problem is that emails come in at all times of the day (and night), and having a device that is connected outside of the office means you are constantly connected to email. There are times when that is a good and necessary thing, but there are other times when it interferes with what you are trying to get done. So, what do you do to keep email under control? Change your perspective by using a different version of Outlook.

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Start Page: Take a hands-off approach: Control iPhone with your voice

Recently, Apple released the latest version of its iPhone operating system, iOS 13 (iPad software is coming soon). Each year, the software gets better when it comes to entering text, which is the key to getting stuff done on your phone. Apple does not disappoint with iOS 13, offering two features that have been around for a while, but continue to get better: Voice Control and swipe keyboard (QuickPath).

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Start Page: Untangle your many logins with a password manager

Christmas is just around the corner. You finally have a couple of days off to binge watch that Netflix show you’ve been hearing about, only to be asked to enter your password. You fiddle with the remote to type in the password in vain. So much for goodwill toward men. Thankfully, there’s a solution to this challenge: a software-based password manager.

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Start Page: How I pre-bill my time to get the right things done each week

In the book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” Stephen Covey talks about the principle of beginning with the end of your life in mind. I suggest a smaller version of the concept. Ask yourself each week, “what do I want/need to accomplish this week?” Write down the items. As you look at the list, think of how you would bill your client for accomplishing that task. 

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Is it time for lawyers to #deletefacebook?

Recently, I was notified that I have been on Facebook for 12 years. I joined during my 3L year when you needed an email account associated with a school. Largely, I signed up because I wanted to keep in touch with my siblings and this new platform seemed to be what the cool kids were […]

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