JAN. 30-FEB. 12, 2013
Jury consultants rely on psychology and life experiences to assess juror favorability. Two northern Indiana judges have helped build the state's mock trial tradition. The debate over Medicaid expansion is heating up in the General Assembly.
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Debate over health care expansion heating up
Since hospitals are seeing cuts in Medicare, they’re asking the Indiana Legislature to enlarge the Medicaid program.
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U.S. Supreme Court decision ignited grassroots effort to amend the Constitution
In the fight over corporate influence in politics, one group is hoping the voice of the people can trump the allure of money.
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Northern Indiana judges help create state’s mock trial tradition
Standing between two judges offering different opinions on how to proceed is not a place many attorneys would want to be. However, a group of students at Adams High School in South Bend often found themselves with opposing pieces of advice from the jurists. Two sets of instructions, two judges and no chance for a recess.
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Sovereign citizens disavow legal system, make bogus filings aimed at police, judges
Martin Jonassen describes himself as a sovereign citizen, one of a loose affiliation of people who believe most laws don’t apply to them. Adherents also strive to make life difficult and sometimes dangerous for law enforcement and the judiciary, and Indiana lawmakers have taken notice.
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Dickson’s State of Judiciary highlights interplay of judiciary, Legislature
Indiana Chief Justice Brent Dickson’s first State of the Judiciary address after 27 years on the bench produced a few collegial chuckles as he offered examples of checks and balances and noted lawmakers had rewritten laws in response to at least three Supreme Court opinions in the last year.
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Changes to Federal Rule 45 are first in more than 2 decades
For the past several years, who could be compelled to appear at a federal trial depended on whom you asked.
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Lake County leadership makes strides
Michael Jasaitis gives his family effusive praise for instilling the values that propelled him to the presidency of the Lake County Bar Association. But competitive collegiate Nintendo also might have helped.
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Judging the jury
Dennis Stolle is a partner at Barnes & Thornburg LLP, but his skills as a doctor of social psychology are more important in his niche as a jury consultant.
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Indiana Lawyer launches ‘Lawyers on the Move’ email
We’re excited about bringing readers another opportunity to learn about and maintain connections with lawyers around the state.
Read MoreLaBret: Demystifying online reputation defense
Jabez LaBret writes about how lawyers can control what shows up about them in online searches.
Read MoreSteuerwald: Lawmakers rewriting Indiana’s outdated criminal code
Rewriting Indiana’s criminal code is an issue that my colleagues and I have spent years analyzing. The code has been enhanced in the past, but there has not been a significant overhaul since 1977.
Read MoreIndiana Judges Association: Judges are good government partners
Judge David Dreyer writes a letter to Gov. Mike Pence about how to make people more legally literate.
Read MoreBGBC: Understand how the new tax law affects you
On Jan. 2, 2013, President Barack Obama signed into law the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. We’ve compiled some key takeaways from the Act so you have a better understanding of how it affects your clients and you
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Volunteers needed to host national championship
The Indiana Mock Trial program needs volunteers and contributions to help with the 2013 National High School Mock Trial Championship.
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Indiana Court Decisions – Jan. 9 to 22, 2013
Read appellate decisions from Indiana courts.
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Disciplinary Actions -1/30/13
Read about the latest suspensions handed down by the Indiana Supreme Court.
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Bar Crawl 1/30/13
See who has been selected as officers and board members for the Marion County Bar Association, Indianapolis Bar Association and Indianapolis Bar Foundation.
Read MoreDTCI: Tort prejudgment interest statutes
William Ramsey writes about open issues after the Supreme Court’s recent decisions.
Read MoreDTCI: Volume IX of the DTCI Indiana Civil Litigation Review is now in production
The board of editors is seeking ideas and authors for articles for Volume X, deadline October 2013.
Read MoreBlomquist: The IndyBar’s Attorney Apprentice Program
You have no doubt heard or read about it before—times are a changing and there is a lot of dialogue out there right now about the face of legal education in America, the uncertain economics of the practice of law, and how one affects the other.
Read MoreIBA: Volunteer to Take a Family Law or Minor Guardianship Pro Bono Case
The day has arrived when local legal service providers and the bar are coordinating efforts to provide pro bono help in family law cases, and we’re ready for your help.
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