
A More Just Indiana: Equity and Access Commission: Is change nigh?

Recently, the Indiana Supreme Court created the Indiana Commission on Equity and Access seeking to build trust and increase the average citizen’s ability to navigate the complicated legal system. These efforts not only are commendable, but they are also forcing an examination of uncomfortable issues while creating opportunities for rich discourse in settings that have in large part avoided these critical issues.

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Transfer petition in adoption case splits Indiana justices

The Indiana Supreme Court’s denial of a petition to transfer a challenge to an adoption that was allowed to proceed without the parents’ consent drew a dissent from two justices who argued that forgoing the biological parents’ permission was “inconsistent with the purpose of the CHINS scheme at large.”

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Split Supreme Court upholds denial of LWOP defendant’s pro se request

A Boone County murder defendant convicted and sentenced to life without parole failed to convince a majority of the Indiana Supreme Court that the trial court improperly denied his request to proceed pro se. The majority provided an analysis for considering pro se requests in capital and LWOP sentences, but minority justices raised concerns about the majority “till(ing) new constitutional soil.”

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Evolving law addresses coverage after hack

In what one justice described as an “emerging area of law,” the Indiana Supreme Court recently issued an opinion that insurance lawyers say provides, for the first time, concrete guidance in Indiana on how far computer fraud insurance can extend against hacks.

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