
Winingham: Unsolicited advice for new lawyers

I have essentially been a “new lawyer” twice — the first time as a newly admitted lawyer in Illinois (Chicago) in 2015, and the second time as a newly admitted lawyer in Indiana (Indianapolis) in 2017. So, if I know anything, it’s what it feels like to be a new lawyer. This has provided me with some perspective on what a new lawyer can do to help him or herself get ahead of the curve.

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Raman: Congratulations on graduation, and welcome to the profession

It is hard to believe that nearly four years have passed since I walked across the stage, received my diploma, passed the bar exam and started practicing law at Lewis Wagner LLP. I wanted to provide new lawyers, especially those who just graduated from law school, with some tips that I believe are critical to hit the ground running.

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Taking on the system, ‘Dreamers’ get law degrees

Denia Perez’s parents brought her from Mexico to the United States illegally when she was 11 months old. Last month, she became among the first of the so-called “Dreamers” to earn a law degree. And now, she and others are using their lawyerly know-how to take on the system so they can legally practice.

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New attorneys take oaths, told to be civil and kind

During the Indiana Supreme Court Admission Ceremony Tuesday in downtown Indianapolis, the state’s newest attorneys were reminded that how they conduct themselves as human beings will be just as important in their careers as their knowledge of the law.

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Law school graduate’s case won’t be heard

A federal judge has reaffirmed his decision not to hear a law school graduate’s case against the members of the Indiana Board of Law Examiners, declining to grant a motion for reconsideration based on a finding that the board’s proceedings against him were not in bad faith.

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Bar exam blues continue as July rate holds steady

Chief Justice Loretta Rush said she was worried and concerned about slumping bar exam scores. She echoed the apprehension of many about the quality of students being admitted to law schools and she noted the format of the test itself may be impacting the results.

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