OCT. 26-NOV. 8, 2012
In an otherwise quiet appellate judicial ballot, Justice Steven David has created a website after opposition against him mounts because of the Barnes decision. The U.S. Supreme Court's decision on a suit involving Monsanto and a Knox County farmer could affect farming practices. Lawyers capture the beauty of courthouses in their art.
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Signs of dissent in retention vote
Justice Steven David's Barnes opinion finding no right to resist unlawful police entry results in an unusual ouster effort on an otherwise quiet appellate judicial ballot.
Read MoreLawyers say Conour skipped workers’ comp lien payments
As damages claimed against the former attorney rise, William Conour is still without counsel as his federal trial is delayed.
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Gingerich trial stirs juvenile advocates
Sentenced at 12 for conspiracy to commit murder, Paul Henry Gingerich’s appeal claims due process violations.
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Lawyers capture beauty of courthouses in their art
Indiana attorneys use photographs, paint to preserve art and history of courthouses.
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SCOTUS decision on seed use may affect farming practices
The doctrine of patent exhaustion is at the center of a Knox County dispute involving Monsanto Technology over the use of seeds.
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Social networking among Indiana State Bar meeting topics
Annual gathering presentations also explore alternative fees and interacting with the media.
Read MoreISBA-led art project to honor former chief justice
The Indiana State Bar Association Leadership Development Academy is calling upon artisans to design a work of public art that will both honor a leader in the Indiana judiciary and invite children to play.
Read MoreVinovich takes the helm of Indiana State Bar Association
The incoming president will launch 3-year initiative to focus on member benefits, diversity and governance.
Read MoreOpinionBack to Top
Start Page: why the fax won’t die
The modern fax machine was introduced in 1964 by Xerox. Fast forward to today. Unless you use a typewriter, there are no other machines in your office that have remained essentially unchanged in form and function for almost 50 years. Fax is ubiquitous, reliable, simple and cheap. Why would you want to mess that up?
Read MoreDTCI: take the time to appreciate life’s moments
I cannot imagine any professionals more obsessed with time than lawyers. While a great debate still rages as to whether the billable hour is dead, the fact remains that many lawyers continue to measure services to clients by a unit of time: the billable hour.
Read MoreSidebars: La Margarita is anything but traditional Mexican food
We give La Margarita 3 1/2 gavels!
Read MoreLucas: More information is needed when judging the judges
Up the street and around the corner from my Broad Ripple house, a yard sign caught my eye that didn’t involve the usual Democrat versus Republican political rhetoric. This simple, hand-painted sign called for the ouster of Supreme Court Justice Steven David.
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Marion County to ask Indiana Tax Court to take mall cases
Marion County is granting Simon Property Group Inc. a $2.4 million refund, after a tax review board cut the value of two ailing malls roughly in half.
Read MoreWeinberger sentenced to 84 months in prison
A judge on Friday rejected former Merrillville "nose doctor" Mark Weinberger’s request to be released from federal prison for time served and instead ordered him to spend almost another four years behind bars for fraud.
Read MoreNew Marion County Small Claims rules a ‘change in atmosphere’
A new set of rules for Marion County’s nine township Small Claims courts will make the forums more transparent and put important court information online for the first time, according to the judge overseeing reform efforts.
Read MorePyle takes oath at robing ceremony
Indiana’s newest Court of Appeals judge also holds the distinction of being the only official appointed twice by Gov. Mitch Daniels.
Read MoreCourt orders BMV to hold hearing on whether felon can get ID
A federal judge has found a convicted felon’s due process clause claim “has teeth” and that the Bureau of Motor Vehicles must determine whether to issue the man an identification card even though his last name on his birth certificate and Social Security card do not match.
Read MoreSmall law firm sees faith in class-action suit pay off
A federal judge appears likely to approve the largest class-action settlement ever to come out of a local court, and DeLaney & DeLaney, a small Indianapolis law firm that helped press the case, is poised to profit handsomely.
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Disciplinary Actions – 10/26/12
See what attorney has been held in contempt by the Supreme Court.
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Chinn: The Future of the Profession, Part 1
October 15, 2012 was a day 423 lawyers will remember for the rest of their lives. That’s because it was the day they were sworn into the Indiana bar. I was pleased to be there too on behalf of the Indianapolis Bar Association.
Read MoreIBA: Meaningful Pro Bono and Courtroom Experience Available through the Mediation Assistance Program
More than 25 percent of the cases pending in the United States District Court, Southern District of Indiana, have a least one pro se litigant. To address this community need, the Court launched the Mediation Assistance Program (MAP) in September 2009.
Read MoreIBA: Take the ‘Work’ out of Networking with the Indy Attorneys Network
Like most attorneys, we always enjoy meeting lawyers from other practice areas and interests, but while it is easy to say “go network,” we found it somewhat a daunting task.
Read MoreIBA: Metz, Zweig Honored at Professionalism Luncheon
Members of the legal community gathered to pay tribute to the value of professionalism in the practice at the IndyBar’s Professionalism Luncheon, held Thursday, October 11 at the Columbia Club.
Read MoreIBA: Local Leaders to be Honored with 2012 Recognition Awards
These IndyBar members–and their innovative ideas–are just a few of those who will be honored at the Indianapolis Bar Association and Foundation Recognition Luncheon on Thursday, November 8, 2012.
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