
Lawsuit challenges state’s handling of mentally ill

With allegations that individuals deemed incompetent to stand trial are being left to languish in Indiana’s county jails, a federal lawsuit filed in May by Indiana Protection and Advocacy Services is bringing renewed attention to the treatment of mentally ill inmates in the state’s criminal justice system.

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House endorses bill allowing Level 6 offenders to go to DOC

In endorsing legislation allowing more people convicted of Level 6 felonies to be sentenced to the Department of Correction, an Indiana House Republican said the move was the result of learning from recent data. But some House Democrats said the bill was actually a sign that the Legislature had failed in its wide-ranging criminal justice reform bill passed nearly a decade ago.

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DOC: Indiana lethal injection drugs long expired

A lawsuit that sought information about the drugs Indiana plans to use in lethal injections and that motivated the Legislature to use a late-night session to keep the veil of secrecy intact has come to a close, with the state paying more than $800,000 in legal fees and disclosing that its supply of lethal injection drugs has long been expired.

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Justices: Juvenile convicted of attempted murder failed to show parent ‘essential’

When juvenile defendants are tried in adult court, parents who are also witnesses may be excluded from witness-separation orders if their children establish them as “essential” to the presentation of evidence, the Indiana Supreme Court has ruled. However, applying that holding to the facts of the case before them, justices concluded an Elkhart County teen failed to establish his mom was “essential” to his attempted murder defense.

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