
Searching for truth: IU McKinney law librarian publishes book detailing historic Indianapolis churches

Light filtered gently through murky multicolored glass on a weekday afternoon at the Christ Church Cathedral on Monument Circle as law librarian Lee Little expertly described the intricacies of the historic structure. Enthralled by the rich, complex and at times painful pasts of churches in the Indianapolis area, Little — a research and instruction librarian and adjunct lecturer in law at the Ruth Lilly Law Library at Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law — decided to put pen to paper and document the city’s churches and congregations.

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Ripple effect of evictions impacts more than tenants

As bad as the stigma may be, the ripple effect created by an eviction petition is much worse. The loss of a home can throw a displaced family into a downward spiral that leads to health problems, loss of employment and poor performance in school. All of this, in turn, harms the larger community.

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Pike: An open letter to the new law school graduate

Our challenge to you is to think about how you will show up for yourself and your co-workers as a colleague in the legal community. You are no longer a student, and that can be a challenging landscape to navigate as a new attorney. So, what do the best professionals know and how do they make their marks at the beginning of their careers?

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Indiana law students learn etiquette do’s and don’ts

While studying and test-taking often create stress, a new program is aimed at helping alleviate some of the anxieties Indiana law students may feel in the social realm of the legal profession. The Indiana State Bar Association recently teamed up with Notre Dame Law School, Indiana University Maurer School of Law and IU McKinney School of Law to put on etiquette dinners for students.

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