DEC. 7-20, 2022
You've probably heard the news about major law schools dropping out of the U.S. News & World Report annual rankings, but are Indiana law schools joining in? And what could this "revolt" mean for legal education as a whole? Indiana Lawyer senior reporter Marilyn Odendahl dives into those questions. Meanwhile in the Indiana Statehouse, lawmakers are once again considering legislation to curb "noncompliant" prosecutors who refuse to bring charges for certain crimes. IL managing editor Jordan Morey has more on what lawmakers and prosecutors are saying. And in the Intellectual Property Focus, IL reporter Katie Stancombe returns to a story she first reported on in 2020 about a dispute between models and strip clubs, this time throwing arbitration and insurance into the mix; check out her latest report here. Read each of those stories and more in the Dec. 7-20, 2022, issue of Indiana Lawyer.
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Rankings revolt: As law schools reject U.S. News, transitional moment could be coming for legal education
As the former dean of Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law, Gary Roberts remembers well what happened when he quit participating in U.S. News & World Report’s annual law school rankings: absolutely nothing. Consequently, whether the current revolt against the rankings will cause some kind of reaction is unknown.
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Proposal could send LSAT packing: ABA legal education section approves proposal for eliminating admission tests
The American Bar Association’s proposed change from “shall” to “may” could signal an end to the LSAT.
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Duty to preserve now part of concussion legal battle: Lawsuit against NCAA brings allegations of missing materials from association’s library
A concussion lawsuit against the National Collegiate Athletic Association, which has included tangles over deposing high-ranking officials and allegations surrounding missing library materials, has been scheduled for a January trial in Marion Superior Court.
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‘Blanket’ refusal, blanket solution? ‘Noncompliant prosecutor’ bills likely returning in 2023 session
At the conclusion of the 60-minute meeting at the Indiana Statehouse, members of the Prosecutorial Oversight Task Force reached no consensus on how to handle prosecutors who “blanketly” refuse to prosecute certain crimes.
Read MoreILS launches risk detection service: Tool aims to help more endangered seniors get help
If the pilot run was any indication, a new tool used by Indiana Legal Service’s Legal Assistance for Victimized Adults, or LAVA, Project could help more endangered and victimized Hoosier adults obtain legal assistance.
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Web Exclusive: Meet the judges: Newton Co. Judge Daniel Molter
Newton Superior Court Judge Daniel Molter has deep roots in the Hoosier legal profession.
Read MoreIndiana Court Decisions: Nov. 16-30, 2022
Read Indiana appellate court decisions from the most recent reporting period.
Read MoreFocusBack to Top

Arbitration and IP: Dispute between models, strip clubs highlights IP infringement coverage questions
An unusual intellectual property dispute involving strip clubs and professional models is moving through Indiana’s state courts on the issue of arbitration, highlighting what experts see as a lapse in insurance coverage for IP infringement.
Read MoreHartz: What is the role of AI in IP law? It depends.
As AI becomes more integrated into research, design, art and culture, how does it fit into our intellectual property systems? The short answer is every lawyer’s go-to response: “It depends.”
Read MorePolak and Metzger: Personal liability for intellectual property infringement
Corporate officers are often under the mistaken belief that the corporate veil will protect them from individual liability for intellectual property infringement. While that generally can be true, it is not without exceptions.
Read MoreShanehsaz: Trademark strategy as a tool to combat cybercrime
You should know that your client’s trademark rights are an invaluable asset to leverage against cybercriminals engaging in the most common types of fraud that impact United States companies today.
Read MoreOpinionBack to Top
Trimble: As year-end approaches, a time for reflection
So how was your year? Did you help anyone in a meaningful way? Did you advance the reputation of our profession? Did you serve a role in a bar association? Did you renew any friendships or make any new ones? Did you mentor a new lawyer? Were you a good partner, co-worker, boss, friend, spouse, companion, parent or child?
Read MoreHanna: From jail to JLAP: A redemption story for the ages
There is nothing more sobering than Christmas in a federal prison. Glimmers of hope can be hard to come by. I first contacted the Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program from a federal prison camp in Florida.
Read MoreMarquez: How does ransomware work? Tips for prevention, restoration
We have all heard about it. Many of us have seen its disastrous results or been affected by it personally. There are many security tools dedicated to combatting it. But do you know how a ransomware attack really works?
Read MoreHammerle on… “Till” and “The Banshees of Inisherin”
Indianapolis criminal defense attorney Robert Hammerle gives us his take on “Till” and “The Banshees of Inisherin.”
Read MoreBar AssociationsBack to Top
IndyBar: A Connection Request
The pandemic has shown us that remote work is not only possible, but sometimes even preferred. However, despite the appeal, there is still something different about gathering face-to-face.
Read MoreIndyBar: Life After Public Service: A Year-End CLE and Reception
At 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 13, IndyBar’s Government Practice Section will host a panel discussion at Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath, 300 N. Meridian St., Suite 2500, sharing personal experiences from several lawyers who have transitioned from public service to the private sector.
Read MoreIndyBar: Registration Now Open for 2023 Installation Luncheon
Save the date for the 2023 Indianapolis Bar Association and Foundation Installation Luncheon, which will take place from 8-9 a.m. on Thursday, Jan. 26, at Broadmoor Country Club, 2155 Kessler Blvd. W. Dr.
Read MoreIndyBar: Forms Bundles: Documents You Need in One Convenient Package
IndyBar’s legal forms bundles take the guessing out of your case — practice area bundles feature editable legal forms packaged into one convenient and searchable document to make it easy for you to find what you need.
Read MoreIndyBar: Wrapping up Another Year in Custody Land
Another year has come and (almost) gone and another holiday season is upon us. Another season of working with clients to make sure their holiday plans are solid so their families can have enjoyable holiday seasons.
Read MoreIndyBar: IndyBar’s Holiday Gift to You! Meet Your Networking Match with Indy Attorneys
Looking for your match? IndyBar makes professional matches all year long!
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